Baselines | Alexis Piro


Studying multiple writing systems allow design students to gain a further understanding of their own.

Baselines’ goal is for design students to understand the advantages of studying multiple writing systems. Design students almost always only learn about Latin’s writing system. This project gives a base understanding to select different writing systems to help design students learn more about them. Along with pushing forward the idea of them going out of their way to learn more about them on their own.

The deliverables for Baselines are a zine and a series of social media posts. The zine’s goal is to share a base knowledge to select different writing systems. The social media posts break down glyphs from said writing systems. Both products help teach about other writing systems.

To put together baselines historical, decolonization, and universal design lenses were studied. Studying these lenses gave an in-depth understanding of how writing systems came to be and how to ideally present them.
